Thursday 2 April 2020

Watchdogs - Review

I was late to the party here. Nearly a year has passed since Ubisoft launched their latest IP. I brought and played this game at launch and i think the fact that 9 months later i have only just finished it says a lot. The game takes place in sort of current time Chicago. You play Aiden Pearce who is a hacker. He gets drawn in to this vengeance story after his wife and child get killed. The issues begins here. I never really felt like i cared. It was not that the characters were not thought out or that there was anything wrong as such but its just that Aiden sits in a moral nomansland. He preaches about peoples actions being bad and then gets caught doing the same. The game looks... Well ok. Its polished but it does not scream look at me like some games do. I will commend the controls as they are pretty tight. What is frustrating though is that the game has so much promise. Its basically Assassins Creed in modern day with gadgets. Sounds brilliant but the tricks grow tiresome quickly. You end up just hacking everything all the time and not really caring (and what is up with the makers? So many of the little side videos and hacks are sex related. I ended up making a filthy video from it all!). The game just felt like the makers lost direction part way through and just made what they could. I am hopefully that the next game will really kick start the series similarly to what AC2 did for that series. I was left fairly disappointed with it all. I am not saying dont play but i wouldnt rush. 
Story - 6 
Graphics - 8 
Controls - 8 
Sound - 8 
Game Presentation - 7 
Multiplayer - 7 
Overall - 7.3

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